In this workshop, you will learn how faculty can work with Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) and UNG Press to collaboratively produce free, open-access textbooks for use in their own classes and…
Before sending the finished article to an editor for potential publication, we take time to look over our sentences, ironing out wrinkles in our prose, finding the missing comma—doing this…
Lisa Diehl In this presentation, I explore the design, delivery, implementation, benefits, and challenges of a blended English composition course and British Literature survey course taught in the…
Methods, Methodology, and More Content by Michael Rifenburg and Derek Thiess Presented by Derek ThiessRemember when you drove to a new place and wrote down directions so as to not get lost? Our…
Reimagining Asynchronous Discussions: Thinking Outside the PPR (Prompt, Post, Reply) Box Miriam Moore What’s happening in the online discussions in your classes? Are students checking off…
From Literature Review to Research Question Sometimes, we jump into a writing project with a clear research question already formed but not with a solid understanding of the existing literature.…
Collaborative Student Projects Across Classrooms and Disciplines: How to Foster Academic Skills Through Shared Experience Ralph Hale and Valerie Surrett Cross-disciplinary student projects are…
Presented by Kim Davidson and Sarah Williams - Students in online or hybrid courses can sometimes feel isolated from lack of real-world interactions. Service learning projects can help students feel…