Search for tag: "writing"

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)- Module 3 - Part 4

This video presentation will offer suggestions for applying several instructional strategies in using the A.I. tool, CopyScape for instructional content, course topics development, and learning…

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From  Ervin Howard 5 plays 0  

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)- Module 3 - Part 2

This video presentation will offer suggestions for applying several instructional strategies in using the A.I. tool, Grammarly for instructional content, course topics development, and learning…

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From  Ervin Howard 6 plays 0  

3-12-2021 Friday Writing Session - Color-Coding and Editing Your Sentences

Before sending the finished article to an editor for potential publication, we take time to look over our sentences, ironing out wrinkles in our prose, finding the missing comma—doing this…

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From  Noël Hahn 20 plays 0  

3-1-2021 RBTS: Blended (Hybrid) Course Learning and Teaching in Action

Lisa Diehl In this presentation, I explore the design, delivery, implementation, benefits, and challenges of a blended English composition course and British Literature survey course taught in the…

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From  Noël Hahn 6 plays 0  

2-26-2021 Friday Writing Session - Building and Sustaining Writing Groups

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From  Noël Hahn 6 plays 0  

1-29-2021 Friday Writing Session - Methods, Methodology, and More

Methods, Methodology, and More Content by Michael Rifenburg and Derek Thiess Presented by Derek ThiessRemember when you drove to a new place and wrote down directions so as to not get lost? Our…

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From  Noël Hahn 9 plays 0  

11-6-2020 From Literature Review to Research Question

From Literature Review to Research Question Sometimes, we jump into a writing project with a clear research question already formed but not with a solid understanding of the existing literature.…

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From  Noël Hahn 9 plays 0  

10.23.20 Friday Writing Sessions - Getting started on a writing project in chaotic times

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From  Noël Hahn 8 plays 0  

Working From Home Series 2: Maintaining Productivity, Dealing With Distractions

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From  Noël Hahn 9 plays 0  

Grammatical Concepts and Metalinguistic Awareness_MooreSoTL

Miriam Moore 2018-20 SoTL project presentation

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From  Noël Hahn 4 plays 0