Search for tag: "system"
Unit 4- Security & the Role of People in Informati-720p-230304A short overview of Unit 4: Security & the Role of People in Information Systems; and reminders to complete all unit 4 activities and create a summary document for unit 4 in preparation of the…
From Ervin Howard
2 plays
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholars: OER and your FLC - Video 4Chancellor’s Learning Scholars Kick-off Meeting OER and your FLC Judy Orton-Grissett - Georgia Southwestern University
From Steven Schretzmann
36 plays
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholars: Q&A Jeff Galle - Video 7Chancellor’s Learning Scholars Kick-off Meeting Q&A, Next steps Jeff Galle Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
From Steven Schretzmann
12 plays
Kaltura Video Platform OverviewKaltura is the world's first Open Source Online Video Platform, providing video solutions, software and services for video publishing, management, syndication and monetization. Start your free…
55 plays