Search for tag: "training"

Teaching Online Using Artificial Intelligence: Module 1- Best Practices for Integrating Generative AI

This video presentation introduces best practices of integrating generative AI tools for online learning.

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From  Ervin Howard 0 plays 0  

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)- Module 4: Establishing policy initiatives of A.I. tools (Part 4)

This video presentation will offer suggestions and strategies in setting up policy initiatives for using A.I. tools in higher education.

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From  Ervin Howard 5 plays 0  

SoTL Presentation_Maginnis & Miles

+19 More
From  Noël Hahn 8 plays 0  

Kaltura Customer Stories

Our customers and partners share their insights on market trends, online video and Kaltura’s solutions. Explore real requirements from real organizations and learn how Kaltura transforms…

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From  0 plays 0  

Intro to MediaSpace

A general overview of Kaltura's out-of-the-box video centric site-MediaSpace

From  80 plays 0