20:44duration 20 minutes 44 seconds
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholars: OER…
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholars: OER and your FLC - Video 4
Chancellor’s Learning Scholars Kick-off…
21:39duration 21 minutes 39 seconds
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholars:…
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholars: Q&A Jeff Galle - Video 7
34:26duration 34 minutes 26 seconds
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholars: Course Design - Video 6
36:39duration 36 minutes 39 seconds
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholar:…
ACTIVE-Chancellor’s Learning Scholar: Inclusive Pedagogies - Video 3
07:22duration 7 minutes 22 seconds
Why Vaccines Work
07:23duration 7 minutes 23 seconds
Rise of the Superbugs
02:55duration 2 minutes 55 seconds
A short history of humans and germs, Episode 2:…
A short history of humans and germs, Episode 2: The golden age of germs
04:10duration 4 minutes 10 seconds