02:35duration 2 minutes 35 seconds
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) -…
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) - Module 2 Overview
This video presentation introduces several types…
03:03duration 3 minutes 3 seconds
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)-…
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)- Module 3 Overview
This video presentation will offer suggestions to…
01:25duration 1 minute 25 seconds
Creating Presence in the Classroom &…
Creating Presence in the Classroom & Feedback-(Types of Feedback)
This is an overview video for the "Creating…
56:01duration 56 minutes 1 second
4-26-2021 How to Write and Publish Your Own…
4-26-2021 How to Write and Publish Your Own Open-Access Textbook
In this workshop, you will learn how faculty can…
03:41duration 3 minutes 41 seconds
Working From Home Series 4_Feelings of…
Working From Home Series 4_Feelings of Loneliness, Isolation