04:33duration 4 minutes 33 seconds
The Momentum Year Awards Summary
A 5-minute overview of the USG's Momentum Year approach and the awards UNG faculty, departments, and programs can apply to that support the Momentum Year approach.
05:41duration 5 minutes 41 seconds
Working From Home Series 2: Maintaining…
Working From Home Series 2: Maintaining Productivity, Dealing With Distractions
05:44duration 5 minutes 44 seconds
Working From Home Series 1: Balancing Work and…
Working From Home Series 1: Balancing Work and Life
26:32duration 26 minutes 32 seconds
July 28 - Town Hall Meeting for International…
July 28 - Town Hall Meeting for International Students
09:31duration 9 minutes 31 seconds
SoTL Presentation_Maginnis & Miles