08:55duration 8 minutes 55 seconds
Introduction to Generative A.I. in Education- …
Introduction to Generative A.I. in Education- Module 2: Applications Across Domains- Domain Specific Use Cases
The video presentation introduces how generative…
07:22duration 7 minutes 22 seconds
Why Vaccines Work
04:34duration 4 minutes 34 seconds
What causes antibiotic resistance
17:28duration 17 minutes 28 seconds
How our microbes make us who we are
02:55duration 2 minutes 55 seconds
A short history of humans and germs, Episode 2:…
A short history of humans and germs, Episode 2: The golden age of germs
02:40duration 2 minutes 40 seconds
A short history of humans and germs, Episode 1:…
A short history of humans and germs, Episode 1: Early encounters