Search for tag: "text"

Teaching Online Using Artificial Intelligence: Module 4- Creating Engaging Content- Technical Skills Development (Part 3)

This video presentation will explore the technical skills acquired for creating engaging and interactive content.

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From  Ervin Howard 0 plays 0  

Teaching Online Using Artificial Intelligence: Module 3- Practical Applications of Generative AI (Part 2)

This video presentation will outline and explore practical applications of generative AI in online education.

From  Ervin Howard 0 plays 0  

Fundamentals in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Module 2: Types of A.I. (Part 2)

This video presentation will identify several types of artificial intelligence with examples of A.I tools that may benefit UNG students and UNG faculty members based on functionality and specific…

From  Ervin Howard 14 plays 0  

Edit HTML Templates

This video shows how an instructor or course designer can use and customize pre-built HTML Templates to enhance their course content. For further help: Open a ticket at DETI Helpdesk Email us at…

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From  Amy Johnson 13 plays 0  

3-12-2021 Friday Writing Session - Color-Coding and Editing Your Sentences

Before sending the finished article to an editor for potential publication, we take time to look over our sentences, ironing out wrinkles in our prose, finding the missing comma—doing this…

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From  Noël Hahn 20 plays 0  

Grammatical Concepts and Metalinguistic Awareness_MooreSoTL

Miriam Moore 2018-20 SoTL project presentation

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From  Noël Hahn 4 plays 0